Snow is coming!

Good Snowy Morning Bloggers,

On my way home from work yesterday, my sister called me to tell me that it was going to snow. I told her that I didn’t believe it and went home, had dinner, and was preparing to leave for choir rehearsal when I saw the flurries. I decided to wait a half and hour and see what would happen. I am not one to drive in the snow. Almost three years ago my car slid on the snow and I hit the car in front of me. I still have the same slippery car, so when I see snow, I know it is time to hibernate.

Back to yesterday, I ended up waiting half an hour, and when I looked outside and the street was white. I decided not to go to choir and my cousin and I ended up playing FIFA (which I am not very good at) on our new PlayStation. Later on I started watching New Girl, which recently updated on Netflix (Woot! Woot!), and I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up and my parents, who were at a funeral, were still not home. At that point I could not sleep because I was worried about them, especially because my dad was driving the BMW which does not do well in the snow. They were only an hour away from the house and it took them four hours to get home! There was only one inch of snow out there and it took them four hours to get home! Winter has made its grand entrance.

The weather reporters are calling for a blizzard starting tomorrow, and while I did not believe it yesterday, I believe it now. I plan on heading over to the grocery store after work to pick up some food because my family and I will most likely be snowed in tomorrow. That being said, I am praying that this does not ruin plans for the upcoming week because I still want to go to my ice skating lesson on Monday. I guess time will tell.

Stay warm!

CKgirl 😀