When did homegirl grow up?

Hey readers!

It’s been a minute or more like 2,014,560 minutes, but who’s been counting? In the last several years my life has drastically changed. I sat, I stood, I kneeled…and I’m not talking about in church. I’m talking about emotionally, mentally and physically. Long story short, in the last 4 years I got a job, moved, got another job, struggled with depression and anxiety and the whole shabang, moved again, got a cat, more depression and anxiety so I started therapy and now I may move again. I could talk more about it, but I think I shared enough in metaphoric excerpts and diary posts on my other blogs (links in my about page), hence I won’t bore you with all the details here.

I was not planning on posting on here today, but I was going down memory lane on my blog and stumbled on a simple thought: how the F*&% am I turning 29 in 21 days? When did that happen? I was just 20 and starting WordPress and wishing everyone a “Happy Sunday” and now I’m turning 29. Lord have mercy please because this is all a little too much some days and I just want my mommy to hold my hand…okay yeah maybe not that far back, but do the body aches have to be so ruthless? I mean come on!!! Or how about today when I told my sister that when she comes to visit we can go to Ginnie Springs, but prayed that there won’t be a bunch of annoying teenagers there on the day we go. I mean who have I become?

Honestly, my 20’s were a blast and a great learning experience for me. I know I am still young, despite feeling like I am getting older (literally). I’ll admit that I focus to much on on age being more than just a number and most days I worry about my biological clock since I haven’t started having kids yet. In the next year before 30 I want three things: to be settled in a permanent residence, to go back to school and to focus on improving my health (so I can stop being so achy all the time).

Alright y’all…stop by and see me again. I just may be active on here again. If not, you can enjoy my older posts.

Until next time,

CKgirl 🙂