When did homegirl grow up?

Hey readers!

It’s been a minute or more like 2,014,560 minutes, but who’s been counting? In the last several years my life has drastically changed. I sat, I stood, I kneeled…and I’m not talking about in church. I’m talking about emotionally, mentally and physically. Long story short, in the last 4 years I got a job, moved, got another job, struggled with depression and anxiety and the whole shabang, moved again, got a cat, more depression and anxiety so I started therapy and now I may move again. I could talk more about it, but I think I shared enough in metaphoric excerpts and diary posts on my other blogs (links in my about page), hence I won’t bore you with all the details here.

I was not planning on posting on here today, but I was going down memory lane on my blog and stumbled on a simple thought: how the F*&% am I turning 29 in 21 days? When did that happen? I was just 20 and starting WordPress and wishing everyone a “Happy Sunday” and now I’m turning 29. Lord have mercy please because this is all a little too much some days and I just want my mommy to hold my hand…okay yeah maybe not that far back, but do the body aches have to be so ruthless? I mean come on!!! Or how about today when I told my sister that when she comes to visit we can go to Ginnie Springs, but prayed that there won’t be a bunch of annoying teenagers there on the day we go. I mean who have I become?

Honestly, my 20’s were a blast and a great learning experience for me. I know I am still young, despite feeling like I am getting older (literally). I’ll admit that I focus to much on on age being more than just a number and most days I worry about my biological clock since I haven’t started having kids yet. In the next year before 30 I want three things: to be settled in a permanent residence, to go back to school and to focus on improving my health (so I can stop being so achy all the time).

Alright y’all…stop by and see me again. I just may be active on here again. If not, you can enjoy my older posts.

Until next time,

CKgirl 🙂

I love making new friends!! :D

Hi bloggers!
This summer I am taking a biology class at my university. Aside from attending lecture and learning so much from my amazing professor, I made a new friend. She is such a great person who has so much motivation and is determined to succeed at any rate.
My new encounter got me thinking about how amazing life is and how people come and go. Now I am young, I stand at 19 and 10 months at this moment, but I have met so many people that have changed my life. It is crazy to think that some people who I am ridiculously close to now may not be in my life in ten years. However, the people that I knew in the past and the people I know now have made me the person I am today. There are people that have had a positive influence on my life and people who have had negative influences on my life. However, influences are influences, and they have shaped.
Today is a new day and I always like to look ahead and not dwell on the past. However, today I am looking back to see how my life has changed in the last decade and how it was impacted me as a person. Today, I am dwelling on my past, not because I have any regrets, but because I want to look at how my life shaped. I want to learn from my mistakes and embrace the goodness that has made me the lady I am today.
So I encourage you to make a new friend tomorrow because sometimes we need to step away from the people we love and know in order to see how God has created everyone to bring something different to the table. Meeting someone new this summer showed me that as similar as people can be, everyone is different in their own ways. Unfortunately, there are people who come and go in our lives, but meeting someone new now and then allows us to grow and learn. Meeting new people is an amazing part of life.
Until next time,
~ckgirl :D